It crosses continents and is found in every tongue and culture.
From a shepherd boy's harp to the drums of battle- nothing speaks to the human race like music.
War hymns, lullabies, ballets and balleds...there is a beat or tune for everyone.
I think my favorite portrayal of music is the "soundtrack". Music does such a good job of telling a story and creating a mood. When Kronk from the Emporer's New Groove hums his own "theme music," it reminds me of myself.
I have always had a passion for music. I wanted to play the violin when I was I'm sure thousands of other children did and only dozens actually got to. When I expressed this wish to my parents, they had a comeback... First I would have to learn how to play the piano...then I could play the violin.
Well, the piano was a fine instrument...but I knew I wouldn't be able to carry it around and entertain I was disappointed.
At age 9 I began the long journey of "music lessons." These continued for three years. During that time, I discovered that playing the piano was easy...just listen and repeat... Oh what a curse my musical ear was!
At age 12, the chords began to become my enemy. I had to work very hard to try to pick out the exact notes to play them back to my teacher and I didn't get the week to practice...she wanted it played right then.
After a stressful recital in which I forgot the end of the song and played it through twice (but so fast that I finished on time!), my teacher caught on. My next lesson she pulled out the first year flash cards. I couldn't name half of them! She didn't say anything that I remember, but my piano lessons ended.
Who knew that learning to read music could be so challenging. I guess I didn't understand that the goal was not to just play the songs...but to read them as well.
Despite the death of my lessons, my love of the piano has not stopped! I enjoy the stress-relief of playing and the puzzle of teaching myself a new song. My favorite stress-relief is "Clocks" by Coldplay. I touch the keys, close my eyes and play! (My sisters would turn out the light to get me to stop playing and I got tired of turning it back on so I used my ear and kept going in the dark...and still can!) I'll play it for you sometime if we ever meet.
The moral of the story? Know what the goal or objective is before you begin anything! Don't just! (Even though I still can' taught me not to make the same mistake in other situations!)
i would really like to hear you play :)