Well, I know my last post was not exactly fun to read. I apologize. Life is not always fun- or fair. Had to say it.
I just want to say that gentlemen seem to be scarce, but they come out of nowhere when you need them most and least expect it! I was blessed by two special strangers a couple of weeks ago and just wanted to "pay tribute" and, of course, share a story. :)
After my last post and a rough night's sleep, I was headed to work! I made it to the post office, picked up the school's mail, and drove through the neighborhood still under construction and full of empty lots (this will be important in a moment) to the freeway.
I am not really sure what was on my mind. I know that I was not paying attention to the road. It's a miracle I made it onto the feeder road of the highway. But, I got distracted. One of the hotels near our building was having some trouble with plumbing (a large geyser was bubbling on their lawn) and I focused on that. Unfortunately I missed my turn.
Oh no! What was I thinking?! I told myself to pull it together as I AGAIN drove through the deserted neighborhood back up to the feeder road...only I never made it out of the neighborhood.
As I was making my last left turn (I hate left turns) I didn't turn sharply enough. There was a loud pop, the whole car shuddered, and leaned to the right, and one of my nice hubcaps rolled around from the passenger side to the middle of the road by my window. The hubcap did it. It was a physical image of how I felt...removed from the vehicle, from the day, from life in general.
Fighting tears I called my boss, desperation, disbelief, and discouragement filling my tone. "Do you need help changing the tire?" "Yes! Or something, I don't know." "Do you have a service you can call? USAA, AAA, something?"
"Oh. Yes. I will do that!" but I sat there for a moment. Numb and dejected. Normally I would've called my Dad- but he was 9 hours away and dealing with his dad's death at the moment...I wanted to talk to a male that I knew, someone I trusted. Like an idiot I dialed one of my best friend's numbers and got his voicemail:
"Hey! I just exploded my tire and I don't know what to do! I don't know why I'm calling, it's not like you can come help right now. Could you pray for me?" And I ended the call mentally berating myself. What was he going to do if he'd answered? Drive an hour from work and try to find me in the forsaken unbuilt neighborhood?! No.
Next I eased out of my sagging car and assessed the damage. Seeing something leaking, I removed my Bible and purse to the scraggly field I was next to. (Normally it would be grassy, but this drought is just miserable!)
Unfortunately I set my stuff in fire ants and gained some lovely bites on my toes for it. The day was going well...it wasn't even 8:30am yet.
By the time I got ahold of a USAA agent, I was sobbing. My grandad was gone, my car wasn't moving, ants hated me, I had been very thirsty and hungry but trusted to a swift arrival at work and had nothing to eat (if you take away the two bites of pie the night before...I'd had nothing since 1pm the day before). The VERY concerned agent doubted me when I said it was just car problems and that I was fine.
Now, about 20 minutes into my conversation with the USAA people, one of the painters for the houses being built about 200 yards away approached. In between my phone conversation we played charades and he got out my spare and attempted to put it on the car.
Did you know that you need to have the parking break on when you change a tire? -Well, you do!
Twice that man got the car up on the jack and twice it rolled off when he tried to fit the wheel to it! I watched with hope each time and felt as deflated as my tire when I saw it roll off the jack and slam to the ground. He finally realized that the parking break was not on and once he applied it, fit the tire to the car with ease. Thankfully I do not have donut tire spares, but because I had seen leaking, my insurance company would NOT let me drive the vehicle.
It was a LONG morning, but I finally was able to explain to my tow truck driver where I was (thankfully they have the foresight to name streets even before houses are built on them!)
My favorite quote from him was: "I've been towing for 39 years and I meet most people by ACCIDENT" and it made me laugh for the first time that day. I am SO grateful for the unsung gentlemen working as ordinary painters and tow truck drivers. You are incredible and blessed me deeply when I least expected and so desparately needed it.
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